Profile | Description |
Coordinator / Programme Manager |
Liaises closely with reintegration partners (including, when relevant, with host countries) and oversees overall reintegration programming at individual, community and structural level, adjusting programming according to feedback from beneficiaries and stakeholders and ensuring it is aligned with broader migration strategies. They should have project management experience and indepth understanding of return and reintegration. Depending on the size of the reintegration programme, there could be an overall national coordinator and several local coordinators at regional level. |
Case managers |
Works directly with returnees, counselling and referring them to tailored and adequate support measures; documents the reintegration process; and collaborates with service providers and officials across different sectors. Case managers would also coordinate community level programmes in coordination with the other focal points (communications, protection, M&E), where they exist. Ideally, there should be several case managers with different areas of expertise to ensure a multi-disciplinary team according to the reintegration programme established, and available in different areas where returnees are present. This can include: Case managers in host countries to serve as a link between returnees and the country of origin.
Protection focal point |
Provide specific support to migrants in vulnerable situations. Should have a background in social work and counselling and coordinate closely with case managers and medical focal point. |
Communications and outreach and dialogue focal point |
Coordinate communications' activities within the communities, establish and implement a communications strategy with potential returnees and all stakeholders involved. They should have a communications background and a strong understanding of the local customs and norms. |
Medical focal point |
The medical expert would establish referral mechanisms with medical providers and assist returnees with health-related needs. The medical focal point should have a medical degree from an accredited academic institution in general or internal or emergencies' medicine. An additional qualification in occupational health would be ideal. |
Monitoring and evaluation specialist (or team) |
Assist in establishing monitoring mechanisms for individual returnees and their families as well as for community-level activities and structural interventions. They would carry out regular monitoring visits and ensure collected data is analysed and used to improve programme efficiency. The M&E specialist should have experience in developing, implementing and coordinating M&E and research programmes. |
Procurement, finance and administrative staf |
Support staff are key to the smooth functioning of the reintegration programme. They should already understand or be trained in the basics of reintegration programming and, if their job requires, on interacting with returnees, including over issues of confidentiality and data protection principles. |