Module 1 - Useful resources

United Nations General Assembly

2018  Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Sets out support for international cooperation on the governance of international migration. It also provides a comprehensive menu of options for States from which they can select policy options to address some of the most pressing issues around international migration, including on return and reintegration.

Black, R., K. Koser y K. Munk

2004  Understanding Voluntary Return. London, United Kingdom. Sets out the findings of a study commissioned by the United Kingdom Home Office to explore the factors influencing the decisions of refugees and asylum seekers to return voluntarily to their countries of origin, as well as to enhance understanding of the sustainability of this return.

Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)

2001  The Public Employment Service in a Changing Labour Market. ILO, Geneva. Describes the overall role and major functions of the Public Employment Service: job broking, labour market information, the administration of labour market adjustment programmes and unemployment benefit.

2011  Local Investments for Climate Change Adaptation: Green Jobs Through Green Works. ILO, Geneva. Provides tangible examples of how local public authorities can use local labour and resources for infrastructure interventions supporting climate change adaptation in key sectors such as irrigation, soil and water conservation, flood control, forestry and rural transport.

2015  Key Indicators of the Labour Market. ILO, Geneva. Provides an overview of all relevant indicators used in conventional Labour Market Assessments, as well as the analytical extrapolations that can be made on the basis of each indicator.

2016  Value Chain Development for Decent Work. ILO, Geneva. Provides development practitioners with step-by-step guidance on how to identify value chains in which actors can intervene to produce more competitive products or services that are able to generate growth, job creation and poverty reduction.

2017  Rapid Market Assessment of Key Sectors for Women and Youth in Zimbabwe. ILO, Geneva. Provides researchers and practitioners with a well-documented Rapid Market Assessment that showcases both the methodology and outcomes of the tool.

2018  The Employment Impact of Climate Change Adaptation. Input Document for the G20 Climate Sustainability Working Group. ILO, Geneva. Provides guidance on how adaptation measures can create jobs and protect workers and income, including through skills development.

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

2006  Coping with Return. IOM, Geneva. Provides guidance on pre-departure counselling, with an emphasis on unaccompanied minors, returnees with health problems and victims of trafficking.It also compiles best practices and recommendations for return counselling.

2010  IOM Data Protection Manual. IOM, Geneva. Outlines the IOM data protection principles as informed by relevant international standards and provides comprehensive guidelines on each principle, items for consideration and practical examples. It includes generic templates and checklists to ensure that data protection is taken into account when collecting and processing personal data.

2017  Towards an Integrated Approach to Reintegration in the Context of Return. IOM, Geneva. Provides a more detailed outline of IOM’s integrated approach to reintegration with recommendations for facilitating sustainable reintegration. It is the basis on which this handbook has been developed.

2018  Framework for Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration. IOM, Geneva. The framework lays out a vision for dignified voluntary returns and sustainable reintegration, seven principles to be adhered to, and six objectives to be pursued.

2019a  IOM Glossary. IOM, Geneva. Provides definitions for commonly used migration terms. These include definitions found in legal documents and soft law documents, but also working definitions which may vary slightly from actor to actor.

2019  Migration Policy Practice Journal. Vol IX, Number 1, January-March. IOM, Geneva. A special edition focused on the return and reintegration of migrants who are unable or unwilling to remain in host or transit countries. It includes articles by experts and practitioners from the Migration Policy Institute, Samuel Hall, UNICEF and IOM, as well as the Mayor of Zacatecoluca in El Salvador.